„You make something with your hands and learn something about yourself, life and the world.
Det Moews, Guitarbuilder
That’s our philosophy.“

Extracting the best
At moews Guitars, we make electric guitars that meet our own standards and become a guitarist’s favorite instrument. Our passion has always been for the historic electric guitars of the 1950s to 1970s, which have risen to iconic status in recent decades thanks to guitarists who have become famous. That is why we at moews Guitars have decided to extract the best from these tried and tested guitar systems and infuse it as an elixir into our high-quality handmade electric guitars. Living wood, noble metals and elaborate lacquer finishes inspire and move us from the very beginning. We break with traditional knowledge to achieve new, outstanding results in electric guitar construction. The goal is always a perfect sounding and outstandingly playable instrument.

Guitar building philosophy at moews Guitars
We measure, analyze, research, and yet there is no one recipe for producing a high quality, great sounding electric guitar. The most essential element for our handmade electric guitars is wood. But wood is not a homogeneous material, because the forest knows no ISO standard. Even though man has been trying to press the forests into a form for several years, the harvested wood is a living and always unique material, which challenges and inspires us every day anew.We want to regard wood as a renewable raw material with the necessary respect and above all the love that we have for wood as a material. We are genuinely concerned with the selection of special woods and carefully choose the best materials for our electric guitars. To achieve special results in guitar building, we start where the industry is at its end. Above all, it takes a fair amount of leisure to use our artisanship to perfect the perfect electric guitar. Our moews guitars can be played at Musikworld Brilon, Lead Guitars Potsdam, and Groove Street 98 in Brussels.
Read here what exactly this precision by Det Moews at moews Guitars is all about and what is special about the moews Guitars custom electric guitars.