The double-sided (front and back body) Silver Backed Pink Paisley decal on our moews Hemingway is tastefully embraced by a Shore line Gold border. The moews firebird gold foil pickup is an eye catcher and comes closer to a fat single-coil pickup than a full-size […]
Alle Artikel in der Kategorie “Hemingway”
Hemingway’s language draws its power from clear, comprehensible sentences. It is precisely this reduction to the essentials that also characterizes our Hemingway model. A true workhorse and the perfect and most reliable companion you could wish for on stage. Powerful chords and twangy leads inspire you to live out your creativity. The moews Hemingway feels like the perfect pair of jeans. The moews Hemingway can be played at Musikworld Brilon and Lead Guitars Potsdam.

moews Hemingway Vintage Blonde
The moews Hemingway Vintage Blonde from the moews guitar making forge reveals its beauty unobtrusively and without airs and graces. Down-to-earth, it comes with a Swamp Ash body, one-piece of course, as well as the ornamental flame maple neck, which dresses it excellently. The, at first sight, inconspicuous guitar keeps a little secret inside.

moews Hemingway Keef Micawber
The moews Hemingway Keef Micawber is already by nature a rocked-out piece of guitar. So the, by us so named, Roadie Ageing is almost understated, thinking of the actual owner of this instrument with his 60 years of stage experience. Honor to whom honor is due.